The current like our memories flows in smooth seductive curves. Yet it hides a myriad of remorse, nostalgia and regrets. On a bright clear day you can cup your hands a take of cool memories, enjoy the cleanness and the beauty of colorful rocks and fish under the water. On rainy days it looks muddy and dark, dangerously covering the treacherous rocks underneath. And yet we all reach for this boat over and over…

Current of My Memories is a painting from 2020 series The beauty of mind.

Created using graphite on 50 x 32 cm cardboard.

Limited edition signed and numbered art prints are available. Please, contact me for details.


There is always something fascinating behind the imaginative process and creativity of artists. It looks like a veil or heavy stage curtains that might open up to a new scene, idea, moment or a thought… Any second… Now…

Behind the Curtain is a painting from 2020 series The beauty of mind.

Created using graphite and acrylic paints on 50 x 33 cm cardboard.

Limited edition signed and numbered art prints are available. Please, contact me for details. Also discover wearable art inspired by this painting in my RedBubble Shop.


There is a project on my table that I still have to finish.

There is a goal I have this year that I still have to achieve.

There is a note I want to write.

There is a painting I started that I have to finish.

Just do it.

This painting is the manifestation of all projects unfinished, goals not reached and tasks put aside halfway through. Every time I see it, I want to take a brush and paint that small white corner red. It bothers me. It nudges me. It is my motivation to work and create.

Created using acrylics on 60 x 50 cm canvas.

Limited edition signed and numbered art prints are available. Please, contact me for details.


Life Can Only Be Understood Backwards

– Søren Kierkegaard

Everything we consume shapes us, defines us, changes us. We are all on this never-ending chase of infinite happiness, navigating through infoxication and trying to make only the right decisions hoping that everything might make sense at the end of the road. And then there is the moment in life when everything fits together, looking like a path you have been searching for all this time. The path is new, never walked, still chaotic, but it’s yours.

So, start walking.

Created using acrylics and 3D pen on 59 x 39 cm board.


Her is a charcoal portrait on pages of an old books, specifically combined to mirror her mind and thoughts.

Created using charcoal and mixed media on 70 x 50 cm canvas

Bought by a private collector.

Limited edition signed and numbered art prints are available. Please, contact me for details.


In the sea of unspoken words there is her ocean. There is a fierce force trying to silence her voice, until it’s sweet like a pastel mint or small and cute like baby pink. It is done over and over and over again… Violently, jokingly, playfully, forcibly. She is ignored, shouted down, disqualified, critiqued.

And still, she is red and black. She speaks.

Created using acrylics on 70 x 50 cm canvas.

Bought by a private collector.