Black Book of Blind

Art is about new ideas, experiments. So I was watching the #ArtAssignment about “Make a Book with Meat” and thinking about the way we see everyday objects and never question their existence. Suddenly, it came to me that “normal” books are only for people who can see. If you are for example blind, then without the Braille alphabet all regular books are as useless for you as a book with black pages and black text.⠀
So I asked myself how the world would literally look like for blind people if there were no alternatives. This is the visualization of the Black Book of Blind: A black book with a black cover, black pages and black text. I think it is also the representation of blindness as in ignorance, lack of perception and awareness of everyday struggles of others.⠀
The experiment also made me think how important the sight for many artists is and how scary the world would look like without it. By the way, a local tip for tourists in Hamburg, check the excursion called “Dialog im Dunkeln” for a short journey in the world of darkness. It is one of a kind experience. ⠀


There is always something fascinating behind the imaginative process and creativity of artists. It looks like a veil or heavy stage curtains that might open up to a new scene, idea, moment or a thought… Any second… Now…

Behind the Curtain is a painting from 2020 series The beauty of mind.

Created using graphite and acrylic paints on 50 x 33 cm cardboard.

Limited edition signed and numbered art prints are available. Please, contact me for details. Also discover wearable art inspired by this painting in my RedBubble Shop.